AGM 2009

By on September 15, 2009

Dear Members, 

The Irish Airsoft Association will hold its Annual General Meeting for 2009 on Saturday the 14th November in the Red Cow Business Centre, Dublin 24, at 2PM. This meeting is only open to Members that are fully paid up by 5pm on Friday the 30th October. 

The committee will maintain a section in our forums for the AGM and the information you need to know about it. This will include Officers nominations, motion nominations and publications. 

AGM Forum  

The operation of the AGM is legally bound by our constitution and it applies strict timelines for aspects of the meeting. These are set out below. 

Motions for voting must be proposed and seconded in writing (AGM Forum, email, or letter) by 5PM on the 5th of October, after this point no further motions can be accepted. 

Election of officers for the 2010 committee will take place at the end of the meeting. Nominations for committee positions must be proposed and seconded in writing (AGM Forum, email, or letter) by 5PM on the 5th of October. All positions are open and we encourage as many people to stand as possible. 

When submitting nominations for election, motions for voting or seconding you must include your full name and IAA membership number. 

The meeting agenda and association financial report will be sent to all members before the 15th of October. 

The committee encourage all members and affiliates to attend this event. Affiliates are only allowed to vote, submit motions, nominate officers and second officers in their individual capacity as individual members. Affiliates in their own right have no standing so the owners need to be signed-up members before the cut off date. 


The Committee

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