Executive Meeting Minutes – September 2012

By on September 18, 2012

Good evening,

The Executive Committee meeting minutes for September are now available online. They can be viewed under the Official Documents link, or by clicking here

IAA Web Admin

A note on the publication of the minutes of the IAA Executive Committee meeting of September 15, 2012.
The committee has made the decision to include in the minutes published here communications with a past committee member which were made prior to, during and following the committee meeting. We have taken this decision in light of the gravity of the situation, involving as it does the serious ongoing membership issues which have been experienced by the IAA. It is the belief of this the current committee that all work carried out should be done in as transparent a manner as possible for the good of the IAA membership. The publication of these minutes comes with a commitment to publish further addendums of communications on the issues addressed here

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