New Fee Structure and Online Signup

By on February 2, 2009

Fellow Airsofters,

When the current committee took office in December 2008, one of the stated aims was to reduce the complexity of the signup process for the IAA, and to revisit our fee structure for 2009.

It is with great pleasure that we present to you the results for these goals. Our fee structure for 2009 is as follows:

Regular Membership – €10

Junior Membership – €5

Membership will last from one year from join date, rather than until May of the following year.

We realise that many people have recently paid our old membership fee, and are happy to let you know that if your membership number is #00120 or more, your membership will be extended to December 31st 2009.

We will continue to not charge an affiliate membership fee. It is the opinion of the current committee that being financially accountable to its affiliates is not in the best interests of remaining impartial and working for the good of the sport, rather than simply for commercial interests. We are steadfast in our belief that the aims of our affiliated Venues and Retailers are aligned with ours — that is, the furtherance of the sport and its continued growth as an industry, and as a community.

With our greatly reduced fee structure, we hope to include as many as possible in the association, with as few bureaucratic and financial hurdles as possible. We are reconciled with the fact that this may mean a greatly reduced working budget for the IAA. As such, we are opening up to the idea of donations from individuals. This may take the form of payment of the old fee, or some other form of donation. The most valuable donation we can receive, however, is your time. We have a lot of work to do all over the country, and are busy recruiting regional and Venue representatives. If you’re interested in helping out, please check out our forum threads on the subject.

Lastly, it is with great pleasure that we introduce our new sign-up system. This will allow for individuals to sign up for IAA membership online. You will still receive a membership card, and all the benefits associated with IAA membership, this is simply an optimisation of the process. If you have been meaning to get to joining the IAA, but were put off by the paperwork, our signup system is now online at

We rely on our members for their support, both financial and otherwise, and we’d like to thank our supporters in the challenges we’ve faced as a new committee. We will not let you down.

Note: Should you experience any errors during the new online signup process, please contact [email protected] with the details.

IAA Committee

About Gerrout

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