Volunteer in sports awards 2010
We are delighted to announce that we have been asked to submit nominations for the national volunteer in sports awards for 2010. This invitation reinforces our commitment to promoting the sport of airsoft in Ireland while allowing us to recognise the valued contributions of those in our community who willingly give up their free time for the benefit of the sport.
This is the third year of the National Awards to Volunteers in Irish Sport, which is an initiative by the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport in conjunction with the Federation of Irish Sports, which represents some 68 sports in Ireland. The first awards were presented in 2007 and last year almost 200 volunteers were nominated for the awards.
Members of the public are invited to nominate an individual whose contribution to their club has made a real difference and to give a short citation on the person nominated. From all the nominations received from the public ten winners will be selected to receive an award. An Overall or Lifetime award to honour a volunteer, who has consistently given of their time for a sport, a team, or an event over many years, will also be awarded.
Sarah O’Connor, Executive Director of the Federation of Irish Sports noted the importance of sport in Ireland and complimented the government on their continuing commitment to investing in sport. She said that such commitment was not alone essential for sport in what it paid for but that it was a clear signal to the many volunteers that their commitment was also being recognised
“Sport and sporting success require a combination of vision, finance, dedication and enthusiasm. It is not overstating the case to say that none of the sporting success that Ireland enjoys today would have been achieved if it were not for the volunteers in Irish sport, the unsung heroes and heroines. While today we have many professional coaches and administrators who do a wonderful job the fact is that Irish sport as we know it could not happen without our volunteers,” said O’Connor.
The deadline for the 2010 National Awards to Volunteers in Irish Sport is Tuesday, 30th November. Nominations may be made on our forum ( http://www.irishairsoft.ie/forum/viewforum.php?f=19 ) or by email to [email protected]
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