Miscellaneous Provisions Bill – Update

By on April 30, 2009

Hi All,

The long awaited Miscellaneous provisions bill 2009 is due for publication in the coming days. This bill will be the first recognition of Airsoft in Irish law and is a good forward step forward in protecting our sport and putting it on a statutory footing.

Amongst other subjects covered in the legislation, we anticipate that the bill will contain a head (a ‘head’ is a part of a bill that grants the minister the power to make secondary legislation, and the scope of such) giving the government the power to make regulations for Airsoft. As it stands the head will have no impact until secondary legislation is brought in to give effect to its component parts. The IAA is very grateful that the Department of Justice is taking submissions from us with regard to the shape and direction of this regulation, this will be in line with the outcome of our January meeting with them. A copy of the meeting information can be found here.

The wording of the bill when published may give rise for concern to some as it is drafted is broad plain terms, words like Sale, Supply, Age, Appearance, Storage, may be contained in it.
The Airsoft section would be a head, and not effective law until a secondary law is passed outlining the details of the measures. As requested, we will be submitting a draft set of regulations to the department based on the outcome of the previous meeting. As always we will keep you appraised of any further developments.

Again the Committee would like to thank the staff at the department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform for involving us directly in the regulatory process for our sport.

As soon as we recieve the wording of the bill, we will open a discussion thread on our forums.

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