New IAA Affiliate – Airsoft Reloaded

By on May 15, 2009

Airsoft Reloaded Logo

We’re excited and pleased to welcome Airsoft Reloaded to our growing list of IAA Affiliates.

Airsoft Reloaded’s first venue, The Warehouse, opened in Coolock to great expectations in late 2008. It’s a testament to the professional manner and enthusiasm and love for the sport that it quickly became one of the most well-visited sites in the Dublin area. We’re excited to hear about and see great new things in the near future from Airsoft Reloaded, and are pleased to recommend their venues as safe, fun and fair places to play.

Airsoft Reloaded Affiliation

(We also took a group photo with the regulars at the Warehouse. You can see a large version here)

About irishairsoft

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