Out with the Old, In with the New
The AGM is over.
The minutes of which will be available over the next few days.
We had a concise, smooth and in one persons case, tearful meeting.
I have had the privilage to work with this committee for the past year and it is sad to see you, the IAA, lose two key figures in its development, growth and success. The passing of these founding fathers, these titans (Edit* 1 titan & 1 troll), will be one hard act to follow. But i have plans and i have ideas, so watch this space over the coming weeks.
To the membership i extend my thanks for electing me, Conor Scolard, to the position of Chairperson. It is a role i will uphold to the best of my very being in order to safeguard Airsoft, to represent you the membership and those who are yet undecided about joining.
– Conor
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