Why Join?
There are several reasons why you should join the IAA, here are just a few:
Peace of mind – When travelling abroad, certain legislation (such as the VCRA in the UK) may require you to prove you are a skirmisher. Involvement with the airsoft community in Ireland and IAA membership will go a long way towards providing legitimacy for yourself, and for the community as a whole.
Getting Involved – While our doors are open to all airsofters to offer feedback and come to us for help, only IAA membership gives you voting rights at our general meetings. You also need to be an IAA member to run for a committee position.
Discounts – Your IAA membership card entitles you to a 5% discount on Eirsoft.ie, and instore in Cabra. It also entitles you to 5% off on production of your card at SE Airsoft, and a small free gift with online orders.
Supporting your community – The IAA needs funds to operate, and your subscription fee goes towards organising events to promote the sport, promotional materials such as flyers for large public events, equipment for the IAA to use in spot-checking retailers so we know they are compliant with IAA guidelines, and many other operating costs the IAA has.
Becoming an IAA Affiliate
IAA Affiliation is awarded to Airsoft Retailers, Venues and Clubs who have signed up to a code of conduct, passed our entry requirements, agreed to operate under the terms of the IAA Guidelines, and be involved in our system of self-governance for airsoft. Airsoft’s continued existence relies on us presenting a professional and united voice to the authorities and media, and maintaining an impeccable standard of safety, good business practice and community spirit. This will ensure the growth of airsoft for years to come.
So, why would your company wish to become an IAA affiliate?
Government and Media Representation – The IAA is often called upon by media and government sources to provide a statement on certain issues, to draft guidelines on certain issues, or to comment on specific venues or retailers. If we are able to vouch for that venue or retailer due to their being an IAA affiliate, they will recieve our full support. We have built up extensive media and government contacts over our several years of operation, and can use these to help your business. We also come to our affiliates for help when it’s necessary to draft recommendations for regulations to be enforced by government agencies, such as the venue licensing system introduced in the Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009.
Accountability – Our guidelines are recognised by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform as being the de-facto standards for airsoft venues. If a venue or retailer adheres to our guidelines, they can be recommended as an upstanding airsoft community member. Your continuing responsibility to adhere to the guidelines becomes an important part of maintaining this affiliation.