Updates! Changes! Deadlines!
Problem solved!
You may have noticed that the site has been intermittently inaccessable over the last day. This was due to network issues with our ISP. These have been rectified now and there shouldn’t be any more interruptions to service.
Deadline extended to midnight 03/10/08
Due to the issues indicated above however we have decided to extend the period in which nominations for committee candidacy can be made. Members of the Irish Airsoft Association fitting the criteria outlined in this thread must now have their nominations made by Friday October 3rd (this coming Friday) at midnight (verified by posting time stamp).
Motions for debate
The motions for debate thread is still open and the committee would encourage everyone who has a concern or believes that a change to the IAA constitution etc is required to outline their point and to begin discussion within the forum. Remember: No debate will be entertained at the AGM.
Changes to the forum
Over the next few days and weeks a number of minor tweaks will be made to the layout of the forum. The first of these will be the introduction of a “commercial affiliates sub forum” where anyone can contact the IAA Affiliated retailers and venue operators. This is being done in order to tidy u the forums a little and prevent threads from being lost to the back pages.
Introduction of new affiliation types
The committee is considering on establishing criteria for airsoft “clubs” to gain affiliation. The details of this are not 100% as yet however it will be extended to organised clubs, commercial “teams”, college soc’s and potentially overseas organisations. We will keep you posted and as always we are entertaining and questions and suggestions on this matter.
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